We're NOT too bored w/ winter, huh?
Anyway, I just had to get a pic and they just had to do the Coughlin thang!
Oh and they dressed themselves today. Not worth the battle. It was just one of those days, one of those weeks! This weather is crappy!
Feelings of worth can flourish only in an atmosphere where individual differences are appreciated, mistakes are tolerated, communication is open, and rules are flexible -- the kind of atmosphere that is found in a nurturing family. ~Virginia Satir
Hey...leave 'em alone. They look good. And by the way Reilly-- I need a getaway with all my nieces/nephews too!
I miss you guys...
can i come?
i'm sick of the midwest.
i have an olympic trial in august at boston college. I should stop by to see these kids.
As I told Jeannie 7 weeks and still sober. My Dad and I haven't spoken since, still hates this g.d. tattoo!
Oh my god...the last picture is just too cute. If this weren't Jay's laptop I've been using, it would be my wallpaper. Can't wait to get mine back. Too cute guys! See you soon,
Auntie Jeannie
I'm coming too! I say we do The CapeCodder soon! I need some fun! Winter is starting to really suck!
These pictures are so cute!
auntie mary
Who is Tressa?
Okay, here we go again!
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