Rules for the “Five Random Facts”:
Each player starts with five random facts/habits/stories about themselves. Anything will do. Be creative.
The person who is tagged needs to write a post on their own blog (about their five things) and post these rules.
At the end of your blog, you need to choose one person to get tagged and list their name/blog. Don’t forget to leave a comment on their blog telling them they’re tagged and to read your blog.
and here goes...
1) When I was in high school, I had every intention of joining the Peace Corps right after graduation. Yup, I got the paperwork and everything but it just wasn't something people we knew did and little by little I got discouraged. I'd still love to go somewhere, do something like that in the future. I'm thinking maybe the Coughlins will become missionaries~can't you see that???
2) I'm a FOODIE and have been since childhood. Growing up, my biggest idol was Julia Child and I actually quit dancing school to stay home and watch her show after school. I still find myself dreaming of being the next Julia Child (drunk and all).

3) Lately, I've been thinking about going back to school when the kids are a little older. I'd go for Criminal Justice (have you seen that commercial for ITT Tech?). I would LOVE to be a forensic scientist, a parole officer, prison guard, jail therapist, etc.
As you can see, I believe that I would be good at many things and have many callings. Hmmm, decisions, decisions. Jay often laughs at all the professions I dream of having.
4) I have a hard time distinguishing my left from my right. Embarrassing, but NO JOKE.
5) My BIGGEST fear in life:
So, there are 5 facts about 'em or hate 'em/love me or hate me. ;)
Hey, I'm a thinker, not a do-er. I've always had great intentions and aspirations in life but just haven't followed through w/ all of them YET (key word). Life is my oyster! ♥
Haha Jeannie and w/ that~YOU ARE TAGGED! ♥♥♥♥♥♥ Maxwell Family Blog
That was funny and interesting...prison guard? pmp!
very good job!
let's go jean machine!
Jeannie's out SHOPPING...needless to say, we may hear from her tonight if we're lucky!
You can't see me in a prison guard uniform?!?! I'd be HHHooottt!
missionaries...huh? Very interesting!!!
funny, i've known you our whole lives and i never knew that you wanted to go the peace corps. i can see it, besides the being dirty part.i can also see you being a drunken chef too! love this, can't wait for a Jeannie's!
funny about the caterpillars... didn't you chase me and melissa around with caterpillars on sticks!
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