Friday, February 15, 2008

Build-A-Bear Workshop

Reilly came up with the idea to go to Build-A-Bear for Valentine's Day. I think it'll be a nice annual tradition. Lord knows Valentine's Day ain't cheap no matter how you cut it! That bear's undies cost as much as mine! haha~TMI (too much info!)
The kids had fun creating their new friends and then we went out to dinner (Kelly's Roast Beef~booyah!).
Nice family night w/ all my Valentines. ♥

Reilly w/ Angie (she wants to know why it's called Build A Bear when she built a hippo.)
Caragh w/ Drita (we were told afterwards that her name is Drita, "just like the chips." lol


Lisa said...

sounds like a good time...where's cassidy bear?!?! Drita's are yummy!

Anonymous said...

jay is the best dad for going to do this with them!

Drita cracks me up! If it were Rex, he would've named his bear "Rito" then. Ritos, Drita-- it's all good!
Caragh you are funny!


Mary S. said...

that looks like such a fun time! i think i will make billy to build a bear tommorrow!

Anonymous said...

I just recaught the undie comment in this one...
