Friday, June 27, 2008

Occupied, satisfied & civilized...

You gotta love little girls...put out a few puzzles, crayons, games, etc. and all is good.

Hillary is quite the clown lately!

Natalie & Hillary are so kind and patient w/ their lil' sister ♥

Caragh is fighting this stomach bug that's working it's way through all our households. The Maxwells were a day before us and Rex and Brooke were the day after. Luckily, it's a quick one.

We love hangin' w/ the Maxwell Gals ♥♥♥ (and another ♥ in about 9 months!) Gal? We don't yet know!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Good Times

Megann has come and gone and boy, did her visit go by quick! We had lots of fun, as usual and we miss her tons!

Here are some pics of the fam out to dinner Tuesday night at The Blue Marlin in Essex (one of our favorite places to eat) w/ Nana Coughlin, Auntie Mary & Madi~

Cass has finally gotten contacts! Yay, very exciting!

Megs & Madi ♥

Here's Megann on her way to the airport Wednesday morning :(

Cass & Megs headed to VA! Watch out!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Why I Blog Questionnaire

Thanks alot Katie, this is almost as bad as writing a high school essay! And I always passed those in late but I guess I'll get crackalackin' just for you. (you are cuter than Mr. Sangermano.)

At the bottom of this entry I will tag three people, who should then tag three more people, and so on. You know the drill.

1. Why did you start a blog?
My sister Katie introduced me to the Blogworld. She started hers, which I found fascinating and read daily, often checked for new posts hourly. She hounded me to start my own but I always said no way, I couldn't share my thoughts w/ the world. Then Jeannie started one and I had been reading Robin's and realized that there was nothing to be so afraid of. I gave it a try, deciding to keep my blog light and simple.

2. What did/do you hope to accomplish with your blogging?
Family is so important to me and this is such a great way for everyone to see the kids grow and know what they're/we're up to. It's kind of like scrapbooking too and much easier! If this whole blog thing lasts, my kids will have their childhood right here in front of them, just a few clicks away. Awwww...

3. Have you found that you don't post as much as you did when you started? I post about the same, not the greatest blogger around. I enjoyed it more in the beginning but lately it feels like more of a job. I know that my sisters get PO'd looking at the same post for more than a few days and oh, I'll hear it!!! I'm a huge people pleaser. ;)

4. If yes, why not? I am rather busy these days, so even taking pics can be a chore.

5. How important are comments to you? I love comments, otherwise what's the point? Feedback is great! Better be positive though...wouldn't want to unleash on some poor soul.

6. Do you ever find yourself wishing people would not always leave comments that agree with you? weird question...huh? I would hate a hater for sure and would have to hunt them down and kill them. haha

7. Do you comment on other people's blogs a lot, sometimes, or very little? I try to always leave a comment. Sometimes I'm in my funny-I-don't-care-what-people-think-of-me mood where I'll leave a wacky comment and sit here and laugh at myself all day long.
When I'm in a more serious mood, I'm always sincere and try to let that show. I can say alot through these blogs and I love that. If I'm in a lazy mood and all I can come up w/ are generic comments about a post, I'll pass and wait until I get some good energy flowing. I'm not crazy about those generic comments, although I am guilty of a few but I do fight it.

8. What determines why you don't post a comment on someone else's blog?
Not every post requires a comment, sometimes there are no words.
Sometimes the author is so wrapped up in portraying this lala land they live in and that irks me. I've never been to lala land! :( Instead of being an open hater, I read, say a few profanities to myself and move on. I would never ruin someone's day by writing anything hateful. Ohhh, I'd like to though but that would make me look like I'm in need of the Lord and I'd have all kinds of Texans(HA!) praying for me.

9. Do you have more than one blog? Where? nope, thankfully

10. Do you read random blogs either off of random blogger or friend's lists? YES, I know more people now than I ever did...they just don't know me. Let's call them my virtual friends.

I now tag the following three bloggers: Erin Lyle, Mary Shaughnessy and Jeannie (mama) Maxwell.

Katie, you owe me! That bit!

Monday, June 23, 2008

NSMC Cancer Walk 2008

Team Hungry For Life!
What a day! So many emotions, so many good people, so much love.
I know Dennis was there with us and loving every minute of it!

Dad started us off w/ a full breakfast~thanks Dad, I love you!

We owe the day to Katie, thanks for all the hard work and planning. It couldn't have been more perfect!

Our little walkers

Cass, Lizzy & Megann

1st group filled the bus!

Jen and family from Danvers. They heard our story and came out to support us. They are such great people, along w/ Phyllis from East Boston and so many others! It was so nice to meet you guys! You have helped our family try to heal. It's people like you who have made it a little easier.

We're off~6.2 miles ahead of us

Elise walking for her Daddy


Uncle Ronny and Auntie Theresa (and family), you all have been so special throughout these difficult times. We love you!

The after-party...
Thanks for all your hard work Ma, I love you!

Thank you Team Hungry For Life! I wish I had pictures of each and every one of you. It was an AMAZING day!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Megann's here!

*Reilly must have seen a bug.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Here ya'll go...

Okay, okay, I finally sat my butt down and downloaded lots of pics from the past few weeks.
Wow, you people (Katie!) can be vicious! ;)
I hope they're to your satisfaction Peaches.

Here are some pics from Cass' last day of school , last day as a freshman BASH last night~
Our trip to the Aquarium w/ Erin, Katie & families and Alana & Elise...I gotta say that the train ride was the best part. Well, that and my discovery of McDonald's sweet tea! It had me talkin' like a southern belle! haha~you had to be there!
Sorry to say that the aquarium bit the big one, hence the one pic!
We had a great day in Boston though and the kids had so much fun.

Reilly graduates from pre-school! These aren't the best pics, but I couldn't leave this major event out. She's off to kindergarten in the fall~full days, Monday-Friday! Hip, hip, HOORAY! Just kidding-I'll miss the little bossy, troublemaking, manipulative, starving all the time, tantrum throwing, slap happy bugger! When she's not doing those things, she's real pleasant. ;)

Reilly w/ her big buddies Amy & Hannah
Big sister Katie and her friend, Daniel, came for a visit. It was such a nice week w/ them here. He's from Ohio and really enjoyed Ipswich, Boston & Maine.
I thought he'd think we were CRAZY for sure but I guess we made a decent impression b/c he had so much fun and really wants to come back. So cute!
We love you Katie and we miss you both! Great to meet you Daniel, hope to see you again soon!
The girls had him wrapped!
It was so hard to see them go. Reilly cried all morning as they packed up. It's always been hard when they leave but to now have the little ones cry and ask for them daily really stinks. But, I get the feeling that we'll see more of them as they get older though. We really hope so.
This past visit, Katie called me on a Tuesday to tell me that she was coming on Thursday and I LOVED it. I loved that she felt like this was her home too and that she's welcome any time. We've told them both that since they were little and now that they're grown, we're seeing that they truly know that.
Megann is flying in tomorrow afternoon for the week~we are so excited!
Cass will be flying back to VA w/ her for another week of fun.
Doesn't get much better than that for these girls!