Okay, okay, I finally sat my butt down and downloaded lots of pics from the past few weeks.
Wow, you people (Katie!) can be vicious! ;)
I hope they're to your satisfaction Peaches.
Here are some pics from Cass' last day of school , last day as a freshman BASH last night~
Our trip to the Aquarium w/ Erin, Katie & families and Alana & Elise...I gotta say that the train ride was the best part. Well, that and my discovery of McDonald's sweet tea! It had me talkin' like a southern belle! haha~you had to be there!
Sorry to say that the aquarium bit the big one, hence the one pic!
We had a great day in Boston though and the kids had so much fun.

Reilly graduates from pre-school! These aren't the best pics, but I couldn't leave this major event out. She's off to kindergarten in the fall~full days, Monday-Friday! Hip, hip, HOORAY! Just kidding-I'll miss the little bossy, troublemaking, manipulative, starving all the time, tantrum throwing, slap happy bugger! When she's not doing those things, she's real pleasant. ;)
Big sister Katie and her friend, Daniel, came for a visit. It was such a nice week w/ them here. He's from Ohio and really enjoyed Ipswich, Boston & Maine.
I thought he'd think we were CRAZY for sure but I guess we made a decent impression b/c he had so much fun and really wants to come back. So cute!
It was so hard to see them go. Reilly cried all morning as they packed up. It's always been hard when they leave but to now have the little ones cry and ask for them daily really stinks. But, I get the feeling that we'll see more of them as they get older though. We really hope so.
We love you Katie and we miss you both! Great to meet you Daniel, hope to see you again soon!

The girls had him wrapped!
This past visit, Katie called me on a Tuesday to tell me that she was coming on Thursday and I LOVED it. I loved that she felt like this was her home too and that she's welcome any time. We've told them both that since they were little and now that they're grown, we're seeing that they truly know that.
Megann is flying in tomorrow afternoon for the week~we are so excited!
Cass will be flying back to VA w/ her for another week of fun.
Doesn't get much better than that for these girls!
Glad to see the updates. I was lacking some Coughlin family stories.....Always so many good ones with that group you got over there. It's great that Katie and Megan visit more often now and the girls are obviously loving to have them visit...See you Sunday...
Wow, so much at once!!!
Cassidy's no longer a little freshman!Woowee!!!
I am so bummed I missed the aquarium trip but I agree it is a huge ripoff. I think the last time I went it was w/ you and we were dissapointed.
Reilly off to big school! Yeah!!! I was LOL at how often she is good!haha!
Katie has gotten so grown up and her boyfriend is very cute! Cassidy travels more than anyone I know!
So happy to see all the new pics!
Finally!! Just kidding. Was that a boy at Cassidy's party????? Please tell me it was Dana's son. lol. Great pic's.
Auntie Mary F
great pics...the train ride looks like it was a lot of fun! We can't wait to see you guys on sunday!
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