Friday, June 27, 2008

Occupied, satisfied & civilized...

You gotta love little girls...put out a few puzzles, crayons, games, etc. and all is good.

Hillary is quite the clown lately!

Natalie & Hillary are so kind and patient w/ their lil' sister ♥

Caragh is fighting this stomach bug that's working it's way through all our households. The Maxwells were a day before us and Rex and Brooke were the day after. Luckily, it's a quick one.

We love hangin' w/ the Maxwell Gals ♥♥♥ (and another ♥ in about 9 months!) Gal? We don't yet know!


Mary S. said...

So cute and the house looks great! Girls are so different, boys would have had the puzzles and games thrown all over the room!

Erin said...

very funny mary! no joke, that is exactly what i thought! my boys would never.