Reilly was very brave and got fixed up at the nurse's office and went right back out to recess.
It broke my heart getting the phone call from the nurse, but she assured me that Reilly was okay. I say these things happen, unfortunately.
Daddy is NOT too happy though! (he wants to find out who the little boy's dad is!) ?!?!?! ;(
OMG!!!Poor baby! That is insane!!!
Auntie is coming down to whoop someone's booty!
You and Colin have booboos at the same time:(
Poor little thing! That looks like it hurt.
It must have been a boo-boo day. Katie came home from school yesterday with a shiner. She ran into a metal pole playing tag.
holy moly. my mouth is wide open! what the heck happened! i would be mad too~
hope she is feeling better.
How is she doing?
what the hecker!>?! i hope they were very apologetic. that is not even funny. she looks abused. poor reilly, feel better.
OMG that's crazy..Has recess gotten that out of controll...Still gorgeous..Love you Reilly...Feel Better soon !!
Wow At least she did not need any stitches. Tough little cookie!!
Awwww! That looks like it really hurt! What a trooper though!
I am gonna kick me some kindergarten butt! tell me the fool's name and i will open a can.
auntie katie
u need to start throwing discus like me and get big muscles to throw those woman around!
don't let anyone mess with you kid!
If I ever catch the little criminal! Poor Reilly. I think your mom should bring you to the toy store. You deserve a new dolly for this one!
sometimes i put on a crotchless unitard that was worn in the olympic games, circa 1993-- then i huff, and i puff, and i throw the shotput...until the girls wet their pants!
take it from me, you can achieve all your dreams with a little ambition, a lot of muscle tissue, and a smidge of methamphetamine.
i have been pushed around my whole life. once in grade school, i spilled chocolate milk on my denim jumper. all the cruel children decided to accuse me of sharting myself.
from that day forward, whenever someone would pick on me, i would send them a letter lined with arsenic.
who had the last laugh?
it was me.
something to consider.
poor baby...that looks sore. What a lil should kick his mom's a$$. I hope he got in trouble! Lexi always tells me how fresh the boys in her class are, especially at recess... she says.
tressa has revealed herself!
Thanks for all your concern. Reilly is fine and it's already fading.
Katie, you are a sick, sick lil lady.
Get out of those woods! Just you and that computer...unibomber.
But don't make my day!
LOL until you shart-foreva!
i just sharted myself
party's over
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