Sunday, March 23, 2008


Easter Eve, coloring eggs. Like her cousins (Colin & Kelsey), Cass was too cool to join in on the fun this year (she's in the background). Amazing how kids change in just a year, ages 14 and 15 are so completely different.
Oh and is it just our family or does everyone end up w/ a child in tears, some fighting, yelling, screaming, spilled egg dye, etc.? Yup, it happens every year and this year was no exception.

Easter morning...

Happy Easter everyone~we love you! ♥


Kelly said...

Happy Easter..Much Love...


Mary S. said...

So cute, I love the sleepy faces!

Jemmmma said...

Caragh's expressions crack me up. Cass looks excited Easter morning huh? Teenagers! Happy belated Easter!