Thursday, March 6, 2008

Caragh's Quilt

Thought I'd show off the quilt that Auntie Jeannie made for Caragh when she was first born. Isn't it beautiful! It just resurfaced after the move and Caragh is loving it even more now than she did before! Thanks Auntie! This is why she loves you soooo much!!!
*We all know how Jeannie is always looking for something crafty to do...I say you all put in your orders!


Anonymous said...

i'll take one for reese in lavender!

Anonymous said...

Caragh looks like a lil homeless girl in that second pic

little shit!

Anonymous said...

wow, it looks like geeyeggy!
pretty good beano!

Lisa said...

Jeannie it is beautiful!!! Auntie tootsie made tay one and she loves it.

Mom of 3 Boys said...

thanks for the nice compliment on my blog!

and the quilt is really pretty too!