Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Cassidy has started cheering for an All-Stars team out of Amesbury since Ipswich doesn't have winter cheering. Her teammates are from other high schools in the area, which is cool. She's meeting new people and making new friends.
They had their first competition at UNH on Sunday. It was a great show! They had no competitors in their division/level and therefore took 1st place! ;)
It was for the experience and to put themselves out there since the team is very new. They did great and will only get better. WAY TO GO SENSATIONS!!!
Next stop...Rhode Island on Valentine's Day. It should be fun!


Jemmmma said...

Way to go! Glad to see a new post. Maybe I should get on that myself.

Mary S. said...

Wow, awesome Cassi!
We were thinking about coming but Auntie had a few too many at Uncle Harry's retirement party and wasn't feeling 100% that day.

Katie said...

she looks like you in these pics! way to go casss!

Kelli said...

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Mary...I'm still laughing! Best entertainment in a looong time! You were a riot~life of the party! lol

Mary said...

Way to go Cass!!!! Good luck on Valentines day.

Anonymous said...

this reminds me of the time i farted at the pep rally and blew out my suspenders.
now that was embarassin. i near ran out of that gym so fast my skidmark froze on me undies!


Lisa said...

Great job Cassidy.

...me too mary!