Katie's mad at me for not blogging and thinks that I'm lying about not having any material to blog about. Just b/c she's able to pull stuff out her butt and write about mostly anything...I cannot. I'm writing now so y'all know that we're still alive over here in Ipswich. I also don't want anymore harassing emails from K saying,
"Your blog...NO excuses! Fyou!". She cracks me up b/c she really, truly means it, she gets angry at lil' ol' lazy blogger me.
Let's see, the holidays have come and gone and I am so glad that there's just nothing anytime soon. I prefer to just relax and hibernate for the winter and that's what I've been doing. I started Weight Watchers a week ago and I'm doing great~feel great, already see results...HAPPY!!! Dang, I put on some poundage this fall! Jeez! Now it's time to get back on track.
And...Katie & Jeannie have gotten my creative juices flowing on the home improvement front, so again, we're starting to make this house more our own but w/ no real chunk o' change. Poor Jay will be working hard makin' money to only be spendin' the money. We both love home improvements though and we have the same taste and desires, so it keeps us excited. Our house is about 50 yrs old and outdated in areas but w/ some minor improvements, it'll be perfect to us (bigger would be nice, but that ain't happening). I have to say that I LOVE my house and mostly everything about it. I appreciate it being ours' every single day. Sappy, but true. We'll be here forever and that feels great.
The kids are all doing well. They're all at such great ages, they are each becoming so independent and it makes my life a heck of a lot easier. We can go places w/ no strollers, kids are on foot...it's just great.
♥Cass continues to do very well in school, she's a nice teenager 90% of the time and I'll take that! She'll be visiting her dad in CA in a couple weeks and she's looking forward to her trip out there to see a new cousin. She's doing All Star Cheering and that'll keep us traveling fairly local the next few months: Rhode Island and Hershey, PA to name a few places. It'll be quite an experience going on these road trips. It'll be good family time.

♥Reilly is doing well in Kgarten, although begs and pleads and comes up w/ new ailments each morning to have a "day off". For an active chatter box, this kid is lazy! She's very smart but I think she takes after her Daddy and enjoys the social part of school more than the lessons. She does well, but I get the impression homework will be a big pain in the a** w/ this one. Let's hope not though. She's got a mind of her own and it is much wiser than it should be!

♥Caragh is loving preschool and is becoming quite the character. She has the most amazing memory and it just shocks me w/ the things she says. I forget sometimes that she's not my baby but a little girl. She does like to be reminded that she's the baby of the family numerous times a day though. She and Reilly are inseperable but can be vicious w/ words and fists! These two fight like cats and dogs and they go for the juggular(sp)!!! Ahhhh...reminds me of my childhood.

♥♥Katie and Megann are back at home after spending the week after xmas here. Katie's back to college in TN and Megann's doing senior things in highschool. They are such great kids and I've said it before (I'm sure) but I'll say it again...the bond these 5 have as sisters is truly AMAZING, considering the distance between them. We are complete when they are here, my kids are complete. We miss them for so many reasons and we talk to them through email, phone calls and texts as much as we can. The little ones even write them letters every now and again. Sisters sure are special.

So, I think that may be it or at least most of it. Emmet's doing well, he fattened up like his pack leader, so we're both laying off the snacking and grazing.

Emmet & the Grinch...Doreen, you're a PIG!
And a few more:

Caragh looks *exactly* like me when I was this age! It's uncanny!

Uncle Jay & Reese...why I think Jay's got baby fever lately! haha...NOT!
Well look who's back in action. I was beginning to like the fact that I was blogging more than you, and you were the slacker. I guess I'll have to post again! Cute pics, great update. Even though I see you everyday...according to Caragh. See you Friday!!!
well that was well worth the wait and very funny.
emmet and grinch! PIVERT!
funny about reilly's day off! who is this kid??!
Great post!
Emmett and the Grich doing the nasty!Caragh is the spitting image of you! Erin and Reilly must call each other and think of excuses besause she'll say anything to stay home even though she seems to love school. Hershey Pa!!! I want to come! Jay is swarmed by girls!
Road trip!!!
Let's go!
I think the park is closed until May though. :(
How far away are we talking anyhow?
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