Monday, September 17, 2007

Spent the day w/ Rex & Auntie Katie...

Today was a beautiful Fall-like day. Auntie Katie and cousin Rex came down from NH for a visit. We had lots of fun and the kids had a blast playing outside in this great weather. Reilly and Rex always get along so well. She plays mother hen and shows him what and what NOT to do. She's very cute and gentle w/ him, it's nice to watch. I think she enjoys showing him what NOT to do more though. She loves her cousins and we all enjoy getting together w/ them as much as we can.
My sister, Katie is newly pregnant (hooray!) and feeling pretty green. I feel for her b/c it isn't easy chasing an active 1 and a half year old boy on top of feeling ready to hurl at all times. Hang in there, Katie~it'll pass, it's forgettable and it'll be sooo worth it!
Great day guys! xxoo


Kelli said...

Is that Poison Ivy nexy to Rex?!?! Does anyone know?

Mary S. said...

looks like fun! i really can't wait to get down there! the yard looks beautiful!!!

i wouldn't know what poison ivy looked like if it jumped out and bit me in the ssa!

Katie said...

we love you guys!!!!!!!!!!