Saturday, September 22, 2007

~Girls, Girls, Girls~

Today, the girls and I spent the day w/ my brother Dennis' girls (Alana 8, Elise 5 and Mia 1). We went out to lunch, had some playtime at my house, headed to Russell Farm to get some pumpkins & feed the animals and then back to my house for dinner. We had a fun-filled day alright! LOVE YOU GIRLS, LOVE YOU DENNIS & JODI!!! xoxo


Anonymous said...

Very nice day! Looks like the girls had lots of fun!


Mary S. said...

thank god you drive a loser cruiser! that is too cute! looks like a fun day!

Katie said...

love the second to last one of alana and caragh!

what a great way to spend the day and i bet all the kids had an awesome carefree day

where's that turkey? i was looking forward to seeing if it was still hobbling around...