Monday, September 17, 2007

Caragh's in a BIG GIRL bed!

Yesterday, Daddy set up the kids' beds. They are very happy in their new room and even slept there last night (yay!). They're pretty far away from our room and we were nervous, but we all did okay and I'm hoping this happens tonight and from now on.
No more monkeys jumping IN our bed!


Anonymous said...

Adorable! Love the big girl beds. I'm sure they love it too!

Auntie Jeannie

Erin said...

beds are cute. room will be so nice once decorated.. can't believe they really are downstairs!

Mary S. said...

wow, what big girls! i just got finished telling billy that brooke and erin need to get back in their room too.
they will be fine downstairs as long as you are!

Katie said...

what a nice daddy!

these girls are so funny. love the new house!!!!!!!!!!!