Sunday, September 30, 2007

Caragh's not feeling well...

Poor Caragh started a fever last night and then the puke bucket came out around 4am. We all lost a couple hours of sound sleep, but it wasn't so bad. She's doing much better now, just needs some extra R&R.
I'm not surprised by her sudden sickness, as my neices and nephew all had a touch of this last week. It goes around and around w/ all these cousins. We do teach them all to share and boy, do they share sicknesses well! I've been reluctantly waiting for this one. The kickoff to the season...

Thought this pic was cute. Reilly let Caragh join her in the good spot on the couch this morning, as long as she didn't get her sick too. Yeah, right! Reilly will have her head in the puke bucket in about 12 hours.


Mary S. said...

ooh, already! I swear i was thinking about this part of winter today and was hoping it won't be for a while and hopefully only once this year! The time it takes to run its course through the family is torture!

hope you are feeling better caragh and reilly and cassi good luck!

Anonymous said...

Well, this is a quick one. She's already pretty much back to normal.
It all starts now though, remember last Oct. in Conway...sick kids for all of us from then on!

Speaking of...that was alot of fun, that Halloween train ride. This year???


Anonymous said...

Poor Caragh! I hope Reilly fights it off. Sorry!

Auntie Jeannie

Anonymous said...

Oh, don't you worry...we'll get you back.
Haha, or shall I say cough, cough.

Kelli ;)

Katie said...


please get freakin' well soon.