Sunday, November 2, 2008

Toothfairy & New Shoes

1 down, twenty-something to go!

She sleeps w/ them EVERY time!


Anonymous said...

You are enabling her to have serious problems when she is older. Trust me on this one I KNOW! Shoes make me nuts! HAHA!

Jemmmma said...

Cute shoe pic! And FINALLY Reilly! Auntie Jeannie only had to bug you for about FIVE days. Thank God that suckers out!

Mary said...

How cute. Yay, Reilly. Did she freak when she lost it?

Kelly said...

The Tooth Fairy..What a big girl Reilly..Love the shoe pic...Miss those crazy kids...

Mary S. said...

Wow, seems so early to lose a tooth. Erin is so afraid of losing hers!
Caragh's on picture looks like someone is sleeping on the foot of the bed!haha!