Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Apple Pie Time!

There's nothing like baking an apple pie w/ the kids this time of year. It's just seems extra special. Their excitement and the smell of apple pie in general seems like a tradition of mother and child(ren) that must go back to the pilgrim days.

Do you think the lil pilgrim children acted like Caragh? Maybe...
Did the pilgrim Moms use Pillsbury Pie Crusts and threaten to send their lil pilgrim children to their bunk every 5 minutes? Hmmmm???

Did the older pilgrim child take a bite of this special apple pie and tell her pilgrim mother, "this stinks!"? I wonder... ;)


Jemmmma said...

HAHA love these kids. They always make me laugh!

Love you guys! XOXO

Lisa said...

that looks yummy!!! We are going apple picking next weekend I would love to make a pie...can I have the recipe???? I probably won't post pics of it cause It won't look anything like yours. I made seth a cake for fathers day and by the time we got to his parents the frosting was running down the side (it was a fishing cake so it looked like a waterfall with the teddy grahams going over)!!!
Tayla would love to play with your girls they are silly like her!

Mom of 3 Boys said...

i would love the recipe too!!!

and if you bring a pie to my house, i promise not to say it stinks. ;)

Anonymous said...

haaaaa haaaaaaaaa

did the pilgrim mom have skid marks in her undies?

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, I think I just sharted but how shall I check w/ all these layers?

Pilgrim Mom

Kelli said...

Katie~you're a pig.

I have this line copied and I just paste it under most of your comments on ppl's blogs.
You need help.
Call 1-800-IM-A-PIG
Don't delay, call today.

Mary S. said...

Me want pie!

Swayze Johnson loves pie!

Mary S. said...

oops i meant to publish that anonomously...

Mary S. said...

seriously, that looks so good!
rotten little pilgrims!

i think bad pilgrim children got beat with a switch and pecked by wild turkeys!

Anonymous said...

Did Pilgrim Mama beat Pilgrim Dada with a switch and make his wee little bottom red?

Bad pilgrim Daddy, Bad!
You're in twa-bull...
Let's see Dada's big cornucopia!

Anonymous said...

Swayze Johnson loves BIG cornucopias filled with monkey's bananas

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly,

All I'm wearing right now are shiny black shoes with a buckle. Nothing else.
Also, when me relatives came over on the Nina, Pinta and the Santa Mariam they actually didn't eat apple pie. They ate blackbird pie because all there was in America at the time were crows. Oh and they didn't eat Thanksgiving dinner with the Indians. They were too busy raping, pillaging and exploiting the native people here. So take your turkey, shove it down your big sloppy gullett and think about that this Thanksgiving when you are toasting your family and friends. You should be ashamed of yourselves. Eat my brown turkey neck! GOBBLEY-GOOK!

I must go shave my legs now.
After that, I will don my white knickers and my big floppy hat and cry, "I'm the King of the world" from my bedposts.

John Henry

Mary S. said...

LOL you idiot!

Anonymous said...

Jelly Belly wants pie!

Kelly said...

LMAO...You guys are crazy...

always a new adventure reading the comments...

Anonymous said...

someone get the white jacket...Katie's finally lost it! She thinks she's a male pilgrim!

Anonymous said...

jelly belly wants to smear cranberry sauce all over my body in the shape of the can still

Kelli said...

I know Mary LOVED Gobbly Gook! I can see her laughing that laugh of hers. Makes me laugh just thinking about it!

Whatchyou talkin' 'bout Willis?!

This is some funny shiaaaat!
Good day in blogland!

Anonymous said...

Katie smells like a pilgrim pooty

Anonymous said...

kelli feet smell like the salted pork and bedpans in the gunnels of the nina, pinta and santa maria

Anonymous said...

Katie eats raw turkey giblets!

Carly said...

You guys are completely insane!!! Thanks for the early morning laughs though!

Anonymous said...

me want pie recipe

Anonymous said...

me just pooped an apple core

mrs. pilgrim

Anonymous said...

that must of hurt:(