Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Catchin' Up

Yes, I've been a blog slacker! I will now overload you w/ all the pics that were taken the past couple weeks, or shall I say taken weeks ago...picture slacker too! ;)

The Coughlin's came over on a couple occasions for birthday celebrations for Cassidy & Katie~

Badminton Match
Katie and her lil' sisters, always in her arms!
Alcopolcos, the girls being serenaded for their birthdays~

Love you all! xoxo


Lisa said...

Happy belated birthday cassidy & Happy Mother's day Kelli! love, lisa

Carly said...

Look at all your beautiful girls!!! You must be so proud, as you should be!

Carly said...

Have you gotten a portrait done of all 5? You should, how nice would that be!

Mary S. said...

Happy Birthday Katie and Cassidy!
Katie is so grown up!
Great pics!