My baby is growing up!
Reilly, my little Daisy Scout
Feelings of worth can flourish only in an atmosphere where individual differences are appreciated, mistakes are tolerated, communication is open, and rules are flexible -- the kind of atmosphere that is found in a nurturing family. ~Virginia Satir
When did we grow up??? I vividly remember curling Cass' hair and dressing her up for pictures in front of Ma's flower cart. Really, where does the time go? And am I now officially old enough to say "I'm turning in my keys if she's on the road"? Wahhh!!
Nice vest Reilly! XOXO
wow, great pics, esp the one of you and jay, love it!
congrats Cassidy! now your Mom has a slave to send to the store and to pick the little kids up! haha! as we said in our house when we were kids, you are the low man on teh totwm ploe! haha! nice ride too!
love your smock Reilly. pretty soon you will have it covered in patches!
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