Reilly is on her third year of Ballet and danced to 'The Toy Trumpet'.
They both did great and we were all so proud!
Here are the divas on their way to dress rehearsal. They loved the make-up!
Feelings of worth can flourish only in an atmosphere where individual differences are appreciated, mistakes are tolerated, communication is open, and rules are flexible -- the kind of atmosphere that is found in a nurturing family. ~Virginia Satir
Girls, you did awesome!!!!! I sm sorry we couldn't stay but your cousin just couldn't sit still.
Love you,
Auntie Mary
This reminds me of the time I was in the Nutcracker, er...well, I got my nuts cracked after the 11:30 showing of Cats downtown at the local thee-ater. Jean Marchen got the cane out on Sally Beckham and she didn't like that one bit! She damn near brought the house down after that one! Oooo--eeee! I thought we'd have two bitches pitchin a fit, all buck naked and angery! Oops, was that me thinkin aloud or writin? Anyways, me and Momma had first row and old Sally thought I put Jean up to it, so she approached me and open fisted )kind of like a hot open face turkey sandwich with gravy), slapped my nutsack and damn near made my gravy come out! I was seethin mad! She apologized later at Mel's, after dat vet took a look at me hog and said I could still procreate. Gosh, that's the last time i'll go and spend the $4.50 on a redneck showin of Cats! Maybe around Christmas, you can come here to see the real Nutcracker?
Anyhow, I was inspired by Caragh's routine and just got in from bangin me oil drum outside. We have loads of them, junk cars and tires in the yard. Damn skeeter breedin factory all that is! But I went out there in my calf skin man thong and beat on mer drumset. I bet neighbor Flynn gon call the cops on me, he don't like that afrikan music, you know? Can't help that I like dem Black Eye Peas, ya know?
Gotta go now, or as Will I Am would say, "Boom Boom Pow!"
love it! so cute! can't wait to see it on video!
I love the girls expressions in the car...and of course the headband on Miss Caragh. I need a girl. I guess Charlie could get into dance...just wouldn't be the same though. "Tiny Dancer", I think not.
Love it! Look at these kids, who do they think they are???? Hilarious! I can't wait to get Brooke and Erin started next year!
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