We had lots of laughs and lots of good food.
Happy 16th Cass, hope it was memorable! xoxo
Ben & Dominic
Reilly & Caragh w/ Auntie Karyn and Uncle Dana
Thanks everyone!
Feelings of worth can flourish only in an atmosphere where individual differences are appreciated, mistakes are tolerated, communication is open, and rules are flexible -- the kind of atmosphere that is found in a nurturing family. ~Virginia Satir
Ben & Dominic
Reilly & Caragh w/ Auntie Karyn and Uncle Dana
Thanks everyone!
This reminds me of the time I went out to eat at The Crispy Eggroll downtown. It ain't no fancy place like Carl Loon's or anything but it sure hits the spot when me and Momma are itching fur some Asian. Anyhow, Momma done near got us kicked out after she stole the leg off a stuck pig and then tried to hide it by sticking it her big old brown wonton. Ewwee it was nastey! Then I tried my luck with a four feet chinese girl and she kicked me in my sub gum gai pan. Ouch that hurt ma biscuits! I tried to fighter off with my chopstick but she damn near bit it in two!!! And golly knows that I need that, he he he.
Anyhow, we really like fried rice with bits of smoked porcupine in it. The cook, Jessop, always throws in extra cuz he's a fan of Momma's webcam site. Tell Jay to check er out sometime. Anyways, the next time you go out for some spicy foo young call us because the last time we found a pubey and we;re lookin for some new eats.
Happy Birthday, Cass!! Love you and miss you soo much!!! ♥ You look so beautiful!
p.s. - that previous post is very disturbing, earl....
Sorry about the TMI on ma last posting. I knew goin into it that some people would not want to hear a lick about smoked porcapine. They're prolly thinkin, these Southern hicks like dem eats? Ewwweee!
Anyhoo, got my mandangle waxed down at Patsy's yesterday and she only charged me a sawbuck! Said that she liked the mountains and the valleys if you know what I mean! Eeee this old dog still kicks if you scratch him right!
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