1. Where do you live?

2. What color are your eyes?

3. What does your mailbox look like?
4. What is one part of your daily routine?

6. What comforts you?
7. What are you doing tonight?

8. What time is it?

9. Who are you talking to?
10. What are you thinking?

That was F-U-N!!! Good one K8ie!
Good Job..Very original..
OMG! you are disgusting and phsycotic!
I love this!
how'd you get that pic of me in the shower??? peeping tom!
SO GOOD, awwww jay is your fav??? how sweet!
That picture in the shower was disgusting. OMG! You are nuts.
Thanks, now Billy wants to know why he isn't my favorite and Dr Phil is... they have a slight resemblance.
By the way what is the poo?
You are crazy but it makes for such a good post!
The poo is the color of my eyes...brown.
You guys are crazy! Love you all!! Auntie Paula
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