Friday, August 15, 2008

Foam Frolic 2008

We made it to Ipswich's Annual Foam Frolic today and it was AWESOME!
Mary & I took Cassidy, Kelsey, Colin & Brendan way back when (years ago!). We've never forgotten what fun it was, we still talk about it often. We just never made it back!
The town always seems to tell us at the last minute~I usually read about it after the fact.
Well, this year was different...I was lucky enough to catch the little blurb in yesterday's paper and WE WERE THERE! I was working, so that meant 4 extra kids but I wouldn't have missed it. It wasn't easy counting 6 heads for that hour and a half, but boy was it worth it. These kids had a BLAST! Daddy was even able to stop by for a quick minute to see what all this fun was about!

Kendall, Caragh, Reilly & Madison
Utter excitement!
Daddy, Caragh & Reilly w/ Ava and Madison ♥


Katie said...

Wow I'm year I am SO there-- with the kids of course.

How come there are no pictures of Jay all nekkid and covered in foam?!?

Jackie said...

That looks so cool! What a neat thing for the town to do.

Kelli said...

I saved those pics of Jay for me, myself and I...heehee!

Mary said...

Looks like a blast!!!

Kelly said...

That looks like so much fun...what a different thing to do...

Carly said...

The girls look like they were having themselves a fabulous time. How much fun is that?!?!?!

Kate said...

umm, please stop talking about my father naked and covered in bubbles...haha. those bubbles look like so much fun! very cool.