Does it get much better than this?!
Ahhh, the simple things.
Feelings of worth can flourish only in an atmosphere where individual differences are appreciated, mistakes are tolerated, communication is open, and rules are flexible -- the kind of atmosphere that is found in a nurturing family. ~Virginia Satir
Aww, How sweet. Enjoy breakfast girls...
Love you,
That is so cute. Good job Reilly!
Fiber One Kelli?!?!? Really?!?!? lol
Hey, did I blackmail myself?!?! Am I the only one concerned about my fiber intake?!?!
Am I getting old???
OK...embarrassing! lol
i love that your daughter did this. so cute.
you know, fiber one has a new cinnamon one. ha!
kelli craps rabbit turds
that above comment has Katie written all over it!
Funny indeed!
How adorable is that!!!!
I love Fiber One too! The cereal, the bars, all of it. I think I might eat too much of it though...if you know what I mean! ;)
I'm regular are you regular?
Very regrettable post!
What was I thinking?????
Yes, Kelli. As soon as I saw Fiber one I thought Katie will hgave a field day with this post.haha!
Reilly you are so nice for making Mommy breakfast!
Kelli - ignore your sisters - (haha!) (And I should know better than to get between family!)
Fiber One is nothing to be ashamed if there had been a bottle of prune juice on the counter - then that is another story! I will now think of you each time I enjoy my bowl of Fiber One cereal. Seriously, I love the Fiber One bars - they are almost like candy but have little fat and lot's of good, healthy, delicious fiber.
~Jackie (another regular blogger)
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