Caragh fought her afternoon nap the other day and this is what I found @ 7pm (mid-snack)...
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Feelings of worth can flourish only in an atmosphere where individual differences are appreciated, mistakes are tolerated, communication is open, and rules are flexible -- the kind of atmosphere that is found in a nurturing family. ~Virginia Satir
Looks like someone had too much to drink! HA You may see a similar picture surface in about 16 years.
I was just going to say the same thing. Funny, Brooke did the same thing last night and around 11pm she decided it was time to get up.
Alexis used to do that ALL the time. I would find her asleep in the weirdest places. basket of blankets in the closet or an empty laundry basket in front of the tv. Too funny!
Too cute. I waqs going to ask what was in the cup. I guess that goes to show where our minds are.
Rough day huh?
this picture is so funny...she really passed out! I hope she didn't fall down but just eased herself into the position!
auntie katie
too cute. did she fall asleep on TOP of her snack?!? it looks like some bread or something is under her head???
We have found Benny asleep at the table during snack before too. It is amazing how quickly kids go from being awake and hungry to being "lights out".
That is hilarious!!!!!!!! Love ya Caragh...
too funny...that pic is definitly a keeper!!!
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