Sunday, August 26, 2007

Just our luck...

Hate to be a downer, but I could write a list of the things that are going wrong in regards to the move. We are almost convinced that we're cursed. We are so stressed out in general and things just keep getting worse for us, making it all that much more difficult. This weekend is the only weekend that we have for the big move and of course, it happens to be a humid 95 degrees AND our central air system has stopped working. Aside from it being very hot and miserable, we also need to have that fixed ($$$) before we sell on Friday. The kitchen faucet has started dripping and the central vacuum smells as if something's burning. I kid you not.
After a long morning of moving yesterday, I looked at the little ones and they both looked like the little boy from "Cujo" who was trapped in that hot car. I know, that's not very funny. After that though, we were out of here and off to Nana & Papa's for the night. Thankfully their house was nice and cool and Nana cooked us a nice dinner. Thanks Ma & Dad! We can always count on you! There's no place like Nana &Papa's.
I hate to complain b/c I know how very lucky we are to have finally sold and found a nice house to buy, but why are things always tougher for us? I do realize that people have it FAR worse than we do, but I am just so frustrated. I'm usually one to take things in stride, but I'm about to crack. I just want the whole thing to be done and overwith. I'm not just complaining about the weather, there are a few other things that are making us lose sleep, but I've complained enough. I knew this would all be hard, but just not like this. I'm just feeling a bit sorry for myself at the moment. It's been a few tough days. Your pity is welcome! Haha.
Here are the kids. They are oblivious to Mommy & Daddy ready to snap~thankfully.


Katie said...

if everything happens for a reason...then it will all work out.

i am sending positive vibes your way!

Mary S. said...

Keep your chin up kid! It will all work out! I know it feels unbearable now but, it will be sweet in your new house and new backyard! If everything was easy we would never appreciate the things and people we have around us. But, I will admit alittle easy would be nice! I'm thinking about you.
Love, Mary