Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Reilly & Caragh LOVE to color. They spend most of their days at the kitchen table drawing and coloring all sorts of things. They expect me to save every picture too! Reilly even requests how long I save hers. Some she wants saved until she's 8, some until age 10 and others just until tomorrow. If I saved them all, I'd need a room for them! I do hold onto the keepers but sadly most see the very bottom of the trash can~where I hide them. How awful, huh?
Anyway, it's such a nice, quiet activity for them. Well, quiet until Reilly becomes a bossy-pants...


Katie said...

reilly makes my day!

Jemmmma said...

Gotta love Ms. Bossy Britches!

Auntie Jeannie

Anonymous said...

reilly is a superstar!!!

Anonymous said...

sick of this posting...