It's certainly not due to lack of subject(s) to blog about, I just simply enjoy reading others' blogs. I end up blowing off my own for so long that to update it seems like an impossible feat (where do I start, it's been way too long, maybe I should just forget it all together, etc.).
The guilt eventually gets to me and I realize that if I'm keeping this as a diary for my kids, I must end this procrastination and get crack-a-lackin'.
Headed to RI for another cheering competition:
Cass went to visit her Dad and Aunt Christine & family in CA this past February vacation. Here's a pic of Cass & her cousin Nathan. I haven't a clue about the glasses:
Happy 4th Birthday Caragh!!!
Happy 6th Birthday Reilly!!!
Maxwell Girls sleepover! Fun, fun, fun! My parents had all these girls 24/7! Wow!
Cass chillin' in her cave (a messy cave!)...
1 comment:
better late than never right?
that is a great pic of u and cass.
you look good!!!
earl misses ur posting, he told me so.
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