Get crack-a-lackin'!
1. Do you put up outdoor Christmas decorations? YES! That's the best part of any holiday. I wish I could put lights up, but Jay is severely afraid of heights and isn't willing to hold the ladder while I try it out either.
2. Do you have a favorite Christmas cookie? I love sugar cookies but I think I'll say my mother's Greek or Italian cookies, made for every holiday.
3. What is the best gift you ever gave someone? I can't think of any best gift. I get excited about any gift b/c I put a lot of thought into gift-giving, so I always know the recipient will be happy.
4. Do you like fruitcake? never really had it
5. What is your least favorite Christmas song? I HATE Feliz Navidad, it's just soooo annoying!
6. Do you go to church on Christmas Eve/Christmas Day? a guilty no...I'm still waiting for that calling, but nothing yet. Someday I hope.
7. Do you hang Christmas stockings? Where? Santa usually puts them under the tree for xmas morning
8. Do you truly believe "it's the most wonderful time of the year"? yes, even though I do hate the crowds and I am not a shopper...I hate shopping! Once I get started though, I get very excited. Aside from the shopping thing, yes, I do enjoy seeing everyone in the spirit. It makes you appreciate your family and friends, heck even strangers!
9. Have you ever worn a Santa hat? no, I'm not opposed to it though. Aren't I cute??? splllrt.
10. Are you more like Scrooge or Father Christmas? ummm, in between?
11. Do you hang mistletoe? no I should get some
12. Does Santa wrap presents or just place them under your tree? some wrapped, some displayed w/ no wrap. There was nothing better as a kid than running down on xmas morning and seeing a new doll in her carriage...I wouldn't wrap that. Those are the memories, baby!
13. Can you ice skate? no and I have made quite a fool out of myself trying!
14. Do you love snow? I LOVE snow but it does get dirty looking come March
15. Which do you prefer--giving or receiving? giving
16. Candy Canes--yuck or yum? maybe one
17. The 3 best things about Christmas? the smell of Christmas (if anyone knows what I mean), family & friends getting together surrounded by xmas decor, xmas spirit~everyone is just happier
18. What type of decoration should stop being made? christmas balls...
19. Do you listen to 24/7 holiday radio? I listen to my CD's all day long, while burning my bayberry candle...ahhhhh the smell of Christmas!
20. Rudolph or Frosty? Frosty was always so cute and so nice, I love his voice.
First snow!!!